Sunday 22 November 2015

Cyprus weekend of Erasmus November 2015 first visit with students

Visit to Paphos 
Sunday was a day for free time as the students settled in with their host families. Everyone was happy when they met their families and had a great Sunday together. 

Marina took us to Paphos where we visited the old fort castle that had been occupied by so many it was hard to keep track. It was built by the French with Venetian walls. It was later conquered by the Turks and they lived in rooms on the first floor where they also had a small mosque. 

There is also a prisoners hold below the castle. 
The Paphos castle.

Incredible views surround the fortress and you can see for miles; a clever vantage point! 

We went on to a world heritage archeological site that houses numerous incredible mosaics that made up the floors of the Roman soldiers and was part of the Roman Empire in Cyprus. 

The patterns and pictures feature many Greek mythological gods and their stories are told through the mosaics. This stunning yet undoubtably painstaking craft gives you a feeling of the grandeur of the building that used to stand here.

In the evening we met with all the teachers except from Romania who will arrive late tonight, for a lovely meal in a local restaurant .  We are looking forward to s great start to our work week tomorro - presentations for our project "The  Place Where We Live" 

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